Today, a book launch event was organized in the Embassy of Pakistan, Copenhagen for tourism promotion in Pakistan. The book titled “Baltoro and K2-Basecamp Trek” written by a Danish mountaineer, trekker and author, Mr. Bo Belvedere Christensen. Representatives of Danish tour operators and local media houses and citizens belonging to different fields participated in this event.
Ambassador Ahmad Farooq said that Pakistan was a paradise for tourists as it offered all that a tourist could desire including beautiful mountains, rivers and lakes, history, culture, civilization and adventure tourism. He said that Pakistan had a rich heritage with major historical and cultural sites and cities of considerable historical importance, such as Lahore, Peshawar, Multan, Taxila, Harappa and Mohenjodaro. He urged the audiences to visit and explore the virgin beauty of Pakistan, to experience the warmth and friendliness of the Pakistan people, alongwith the rich cuisine that it had to offer.
He also mentioned that the relations between Pakistan and Denmark would be further strengthened through increased people-to-people contacts. The Ambassador stressed that travel promoted understanding and knowledge of each others’ cultures. Pakistan, he said to the youthful audience, would welcome this generation of Danish citizens eager to discover it.
Mr. Bo Belvedere Christensen has authored 23 books so far including 8 books on Pakistan. Mr. Christensen is a geologist by degree and is a mountaineer, trekker, author and photographer by profession. Mr. Christensen has travelled so many times to Pakistan for tourism purposes. He presented a presentation on his book “Baltoro and K2-Basecamp Trek” and shares his experience with the participants. He elaborated on the geographical aspects of his trekking experience as well as the weather, personal impressions, difficulties that the group faced and the rich memories that he has now.
The event was live streamed on the Facebook page of the Embassy.